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Homework at Bradfield School

We hope you will find this page useful to help your support your child with learning at home.

  • Presentations to support with this for each year group can be found below
  • The links on the right of this page will take you to an overview of the curriculum for each year group.  You can also access knowledge organisers to support with home learning on these pages

What is the purpose of homework at Bradfield School?

The overarching purpose for setting homework is to help students develop good study habits and to extend independent learning skills across both key stages. Well-organised homework plays a role in supporting students in reaching their full potential and developing successful lifelong learning habits. Meaningful homework could include tasks that:

  • build on or prepare for learning in the lesson
  • provide an opportunity to build in low stakes testing and recall
  • deepen students’ understanding of a topic
  • provide structured independent learning which enable students to take responsibility for how they plan and manage their learning
  • support students' progress.

How is homework set?

Homework is usually set within the lesson, to give ample time for the teacher to explain the task, the purpose behind it and the due date. Teachers will explain this in lessons and set the homework itself on our online platform, Satchel One. Details about how to access the homework as a student and as a parent / carer are given in the user guides below.

How is homework used?

Homework may be used in a multitude of ways to reinforce learning in the lesson and to check understanding; it may also be used as part of the lesson itself. 

How is homework acknowledged?

Homework may be marked formally or feedback given verbally. Positive points for homework completion may be given where the teacher judges this appropriate. The teacher may also use verbal or written praise. Where the homework is used as part of the lesson, the feedback will form part of the feedback in the lesson itself. In line with our Curriculum Assessment and Feedback policy, written comments will only be given where this serves a specific purpose in the students' progress. 

How frequently is homework set?

KS3 : Homework will be set once a week in the core subjects of English, Maths, Science, and once a half-term in all other non-core subjects. This is primarily designed to reinforce prior learning. Non-core subjects may also set recommended homework designed to engage students in their enjoyment of the subject. All subjects will set specific revision homework in the build up to calendared assessment weeks. 

KS4: Homework will be set once a week in all examined subjects, and students should spend up to 60 minutes per piece. All subjects will set revision homework in the build up to calendared assessment weeks. 

What happens if my child does not complete homework? 

Students not handing in homework on time will receive a homework concern. Where teachers see this happen on a regular basis, they will contact home to discuss why this is; this may be a form tutor or a subject teacher call. Every effort will be made to find out why a student is not completing homework and remove these barriers, such as checking whether homework is being set at the appropriate level of challenge for the child and if all resources needed are made available. Break time detentions and referral to after-school homework support sessions may also  be used.

How is my child supported to complete homework?

Our approach to how we set homework as detailed above supports our students. Homework Support sessions, staffed by our cover staff and teaching assistants, allow students to complete homework in school if wished. These take place Monday to Thursday from 3pm to 4pm. We recommend that students set up their account on Satchel One so they receive reminder notifications of homework due in. 

How can I support my child with homework?

Parents / carers can download Satchel One on all devices and use the unique code to view your child's homework and due dates. (This will be sent home by the end of September.) We recommend that parents and carers help children to set up a regular routine for completing homework in ample time in a quiet place, packing bags in readiness the night before and encouraging them to ask teachers for clarification if needed before the due dates. We would also recommend supporting children to complete homework at the after school homework support sessions if they struggle to work at home. On page 114 of students' planners, teachers setting weekly homework will also get students to record the regular homework setting / handing in days. This helps students get into a routine and parents / carers to support this.

How do I register and use Satchel One?

Please see below for guides to support you and your child to use Satchel One at home. The Helpful Links shows you how to use Satchel One and the Video User Guide shows how to register, manage email notifications, add multiple students to a parent / carer account and reset passwords. If you experience any problems please contact