Careers Information
At Bradfield School we work to ensure that our students have the best progression routes to continue their education.
Careers advice is crucial to this and we ensure that students understand their options at Post-16 and beyond.
We measure the impact of the Careers Programme by analysing the applications that students make, the student destination data and using pupil, employer and provide voice data.
Key Stage 3
Careers education is delivered through PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Educartion_ lessons and tutor programmes.
Year 7
Students are introduced to the range of possible jobs and the personal qualities and employability skills related to them and how they link to both the school curriculum and the world of work.
Year 8
Students look at how qualities could be demonstrated to a potential employee via a CV. work is also done on raising career aspirations, financial awareness and an introduction to Post-16 opportunities.
Year 9
Students research career options in more detail and produce an Individual Learning Plan to help support their option choices for GCSE. Support from careers advisors is available at this point if required.
Key Stage 4
During Key Stage 4 students and parents will be offered a 1:1 careers consultation interview with an independent advisor, Sarah Dempsey from Complete Careers who is based in school 3 days per week. She will provide independent careers advice and guidance and follow-up calls/work will take place where necessary.
In Year 11 students and parents are given access to local and national employers, apprenticeship providers, colleges and universities.
Students and parents will be given detailed information on Post-16 events, dates and information about other local open events for post-16 options and guided through the application process for Sheffield Progress.
How to find out more
Our provider access policy can be found on our policies page:
Mrs K Carter is the Careers Leader and coordinates the careers programme, including liaison with students, parents, teachers, employers and Post-16 providers. Please contact Mrs Carter for more information:
Telephone: 0114 2863861