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Regular Rewards

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - Albert Schweitzer

Acknowledging and celebrating the everyday choices made by our students, such as their dedication to classwork, homework, uniform, equipment, and planners, is an essential aspect of their academic and social growth.

Albert Schweitzer's quote resonates deeply with Bradfield’s ethos. Cultivating intrinsic motivation is crucial for our students to thrive academically and socially. Intrinsic motivation arises from a genuine passion and curiosity for learning, allowing students to find joy and fulfilment in their educational journey. It is this internal drive that propels students towards long-term success and personal fulfilment, and we are always impressed by the dedication of many of our students.

However, at Bradfield, we recognize that the development of intrinsic motivation can be a gradual process. As our students progress through secondary, the role of extrinsic motivation, in the form of rewards, is pivotal in supporting their growth. Rewards serve as tangible markers of accomplishment and encourage students to persevere, particularly when faced with challenges or setbacks.

This was the thinking behind the re-introduction of student planners this academic year, which we will continue with next year. The planners have allowed our staff to visibly and instantly reward students for making the right choices in their learning, and our weekly Friday draw allows for further recognition, as do the Headteacher’s award and the termly rewards assemblies.

Our rewards system is also flexible to facilitate particular foci. This half term, for instance, Year 7s have been able to receive raffle tickets for a weekly draw to encourage wearing the correct uniform with pride, whilst Year 11s completing revision have had a weekly draw for money off the prom or towards the leaver’s hoodie. This week senior leaders will be speaking to the students about their views on rewards and planners and how we can increase their profile and use around school.

On Friday 26th May, form tutors in Y7 – Y10 will also be giving an extra 30 stamps to recognise those tutees who attend every day this week in full uniform, on time and with all their equipment and planners. These students will be entered into a prize draw after half term, and all parents and carers individually contacted on Friday to congratulate the students. We know that this is the majority of our children, and it is important that we acknowledge their daily diligence.

Recognising and celebrating their efforts instils a sense of pride, confidence, and belonging within our student body. By highlighting the achievements of the majority, we foster an inclusive environment where all students are encouraged to strive for excellence.


Deborah Banks

Deputy Headteacher